Additional Specialties

Are you troubled with digestive issues? Do you have Psoriasis? Are you suffering from any health condition and seek relief? Well, your search for Ayurveda ends here. At Keva Ayurveda, various conditions are treated following the treatments protocols mentioned in Ayurveda. Below are brief descriptions of some of the common conditions. Consult our Doctors at Keva Ayurveda for an accurate diagnosis of your condition followed by in depth treatment regime.


Sciatica is becoming quite a common occurrence these days. It is caused by the pinching of the sciatic nerve either by a bulge in the intervertebral disc or a muscular spasm causing disturbance to the nerve path. Sciatica causes lower back pain, with the pain radiating down to one or both the lower limbs, accompanied by numbness, heaviness or a burning sensation. Treatment involves Virechana, Basti chikitsa to bring down the deranged vata dosha. External therapies like Patrapotala sweda, Upanaha sweda, Kashayadhara help in alleviating the pain and the other associated symptoms. Internal medicines prescribed would be needed to be taken for a duration of 4-8 weeks.


It is a neuro degenerative disorder. The decreased production of dopamine by the brain cells lead to symptoms such as tremors, stiffness, a change in gait, slowness in activity and balance impairment. Ayurveda classifies it under vata roga and calls these set of symptoms as Kampa vata. Therapies like Virechana, Shirodhara, Basti help in normalising the vitiated vata and reducing the symptoms. Internal medicines are given for a longer period with the intension of reducing the tremors, stiffness, depression and improving the memory and cognitive functions.


Arthritis is the inflammation in the joints. It generally affects the weight bearing joints. There are several types of arthritis like Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Gouty arthritis, Viral arthritis, Psoratic arthritis etc. The diagnosis is made depending on the nature of pain, the joints affected and with the help of diagnostic tools like blood tests and x-ray. Therapies like abhyangam, Valuka swedam, churna swedam, Virechana, Basti help in relieving the stiffness and improve the flexibility of the joint and reduce the pain. Internal medications are advised with an intention of normalising the blood irregularities, and bring down the inflammation. Along with the therapies, lifestyle advises and basic yoga poses are taught to bring back the full range of motion to the individual.


This is a condition afflicting majority of the female population from the age of 20-35 yrs. Poly cystic ovarian disorder consists of multiple symptoms ranging from irregular menstrual cycles to hairfall, acne, facial hair and weight gain. It is caused due to hormonal imbalances that occur as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits. Due to absence in ovulation, the woman finds herself unable to conceive a child and is thus one of the leading causes for infertility in women. Ayurvedic therapies like Vamana, Virechana, Udwartana and lekhana basti help in normalising testosterone and other related hormones like estrogen and progesterone and prolactin. Internal medicines help in regularising the cycle duration, follicule development and improving the thickness in the endometrium.


Male and female infertility is on the rise in the present times. Male infertility is generally caused by poor quality of the sperm in conditions like oligospermia, lowered motility, and functional disorders like Erectiledysfunction. Pre existing health conditions like Diabetes also lower the fertility rates in men. Lifestyle habits like smoking, alcohol consumption, sedentary lifestyle, can also cause infertility in men. Ayurvedic therapies like Virechana, Matra Basti help in improving the functioning of the reproductive organs. Internal medications help in improving the quality of the seminal fluid and the blood flow to the organs.

Female infertility is caused by various factors like PCOD, Tubal blockage, Endometriosis, Thin endometrium etc. The cause of Infertility is treated by therapies like Virechana, Vamana, Lekhana basti, Yoni Pichu. Internal medications help in regularising the irregular cycles, improving the endometrial thickness and other related conditions.


Caused due to a sedentary lifestyle, irregular food habits and in some cases a hereditary factor; the quality of life is affected in a diabetic patient. The constantly high levels of glucose in the blood stream, ends up causing secondary degenerative changes like Neuropathy, Nephropathy and Retinopathy. Ayurvedic therapies like Virechana, Udwartana, Takradhara, slow down the degenerative process and improve the life of the patient by bringing the blood sugar levels under control. Internal medications help in improving the quality of the life lead and keep the sugar levels in check.

Thyroid disorders

The thyroid gland is one of the main glands controlling the metabolic functions of the body. Improper functioning of the thyroid gland leads to a bunch of thyroid disorders like Hypothyroid, Hyperthyroid, etc. A sedentary lifestyle, irregular food habits, stress, and sometimes genetic factors are the cause for thyroid disorders. It causes either drastic increase or decrease in weight, skin issues, mood irritability, hairfall etc. Panchakarma therapies improve the metabolic functions in the body and therapies like udwartana help in removing the increased kapha and medas. Internal medications work on regulating the functions of the thyroid gland.


Paralysis is the loss of sensory and motor function in any one limb or multiple limbs. It caused due to a haemorrhage or a thrombus in the brain or an injury. There will be a gradual loss in the muscle tone and sometimes accompanied my cognitive and speech disturbance. The sooner the treatment, faster the response, in cases such as these. Treatments like Nasyam, Shirodhara, Lepam, Basti, help in the gradual recovery. Internal medicines taken over a period of time help in bringing back the motor and sensory functions.


This is a chronic skin disease in which itchy, scaly and red patches are formed on various parts of the body and the scalp. While treating such a condition, the excessively accumulated toxins in the blood are loosened by administration of medicated ghee (Snehapana) and later they are eliminated out of the body through Vamana (Emesis) or Virechana (purgation). Some of the external procedures like Takradhara, Tailadhara are also adopted to change the texture of the skin while most of the internal medications purify the blood.


Spondylosis describes spinal degeneration accompanied by pain. It can be a professional hazard with computer operators, clerks, officer workers etc., or can express itself in old age due to degenerative changes. The deranged vata energy is responsible for the typical symptoms such as neck pain, restricted movement of neck, pain radiating to shoulders and arms, tingling sensation in the fingers etc., Specific procedures such as Greeva Vasti, Podikizhi, Njavara kizhi, Pizhichil, etc., pacify the deranged vata externally where as internally some vata pacifying medicines are also administered. To obtain optimum results some of the Panchakarma procedures such as Nasyam may also be employed.


Allergies are on the rise due to increased pollutants and toxins in the air and the water. Constant indulgence in processed food is also affecting the health of the individuals. Due to decreased immunity, the people are becoming more vulnerable to allergies of different kind, predominantly allergic rhinitis and urticaria. The ayurvedic panchakarma therapies like vamana, nasyam, are conducted with the aim at improving the immunity of an individual, with sustained results. Lifestyle advises by the physician will help the patients in finding a permanent relief when given along with prescribed oral medications. This ultimately helps the patient to live life easily.

Digestive Disorders

Ayurveda considers indigestion to be the root cause of almost all the diseases. So proper management of digestive impairment in the initial stage itself prevents the onset of many other major illnesses in later stages of life. The symptoms of poor digestion may include gas formation, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea, bloating and pain. The treatment plan would include Virechana (detoxification), Sneha Basthy (medicated oil enema), Kashayavasthy (medicated decoction enema) depending upon the type of doshas involved along with Ayurvedic medications and diet modification.

Hairfall/ Dandruff/ Graying

Exposure to rough weather, inadequate hair care, insufficient nutrition, irregular life style, improper digestion, all add up to result in hair fall and early greying. The treatment aims at restoring the “Crowning Glory” through medicated hair oils, nutritional supplements, stress- relieving techniques which act together in strengthening the hair root and preventing the early graying. Specific oils are advised in case of dandruff, for regular use along with our Hair care treatments.


Hypertension is blood Pressure above the normal range expected in a particular age group. It may be of unknown cause, may also result from kidney disease, hormone disturbance or narrowing of the blood vessels. Staying calm with the help of oral medication, massages, Yoga, relaxation techniques, leisure and laughter usually bring down the elevated blood pressure. Shirobhyanga and Shirodhara also help lower the pressure.

Oily skin/ pimples

Teenage related hormone disturbances, high fat intake, continuous indulgence in junk food many flare up the problems, tarnishing a beautiful complexion. Our treatment includes the purification of blood by detoxifying it gradually. Along with internal medicines, external application of herbal powders as face packs and dietary modification, regular exercise to maintain the lustre of the skin prevent further formation of pimples.

Respiratory Disorders

Asthma is a spasmodic disease characterized by difficulty in breathing, a sense of tightness and a wheezing noise as the breath is expelled. This condition results when excess Kapha/Mucus is collected in the small air bags causing obstruction to the easy flow of air through them. Specific Panchakarma procedures like Vamana and Swedana remove this excessively accumulated kapha toxin from the system whereas few Ayurvedic medications enhance the body’s immunity to fight against the disease causing factors.


Among the several different types of headaches, migraine is one among the most commonly occurring type. It is characterised by a half sided head ache, associated with sensitivity to light, nausea in the more severe of the cases. Called as Ardhavabhedaka in Ayurveda, increase in the pitta dosha is a primary cause. Therapies like Virechanam, Shirodhara and Pratimarsha nasyam help in curing the patient with Ardhavabhedaka. Oral medicines help in pacifying the aggravated pitta and reducing the intensity and frequency of the onset of the headaches.


Too much of hurry, worry and spicy curries which stimulate excessive secretion of gastric juice destroy the mucous lining along the digestive tract causing sores/ulcers. The primary objective of the Ayurvedic treatment is to bring this ulcer into the condition of healing sore. Snehapana or intake of medicated ghee has excellent healing effect when advised along with few dietary instructions such as frequent well balanced meals, avoiding carbonated drinks alcohol, tea, coffee and managing worries through positive attitude and stress management techniques.

Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones are also known as Renal Calculus or Nephrolith. These are hard small mineral deposits that are formed in the kidneys from minerals and acid salts in the urine. Many stones are formed and passed without causing symptoms. If the stone grows to a sufficient size i.e, at least 3mm in size, they can cause obstruction to ureter which leads to pain in the flank or lower back and sometimes radiates to groin or genitals.Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, painful urination etc. Oral ayurvedic medication along with dietary modifications for 2-3 months helps in getting rid of Renal stones depending on the size of the stone.


Sinuses are the mucous lined air spaces in the facial bones that communicate with the nose. When they get inflamed the main symptoms produced are headache, heaviness, tenderness over the affected regions. Nasyam, an effective Panchakarma treatment removes the accumulated toxins from the head region and provides a long-term relief. Internal medicines also aid in pacifying the aggravated toxins in the affected region.

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